This year we had been ringing birds till 15th of October 13 o’clock (list of caught birds and photos of all caught species in the end). We wanted to remove the nets even earlier - 13-14th of October. But birds were migrating and getting into the nets – so we continue ringing as long as possible.
Pallas's Rosefinch |
In the last day we mainly ringed resident species which also have migration in this period to find better feeding and weather conditions. So, most numerous were Long-tailed Tits (Aegithalos caudatus) – 13 birds caught. But also we have still some late far migrants – Siberian Accentor (Prunella montanella) and Lanceolated Warbler (Locustella lanceolata). In total 41 birds of 13 species were caught.
5 birds
were already with our rings. 1 Baikal Bullfinch (Pyrrhula cineracea) was ringed
on the 13th of July 2017, other 4 birds were ringed in the last four
Baikal (or Grey) Bullfinch |
So, season is over, next we are planning to start in the middle of April 2018. Results of the 2017 season by months and other interesting information about our birds coming soon on our pages!
Siberian Accentor |
Long-tailed Rosefinch |
Lanceolated Warbler |
Azure-winged Magpie |
Godlewski's Bunting |
Red-flanked Blutail |
Willow Tit |
Waxwing |
Eurasian Bullfinch |
Long-tailed Tit |
Great Tit |
Caught birds on the 15th of October 2017
Длиннохвостая синица
Long-tailed Tit
Aegithalos caudatus
Буроголовая гаичка
Willow Tit
Parus montanus
Большая синица
Great Tit
Parus major
Серый снегирь
Baikal Bullfinch
Pyrrhula cineracea
Длиннохвостая чечевица
Long-tailed Rosefinch
Uragus sibiricus
Bombycilla garrulus
Red-flanked Bluetail
Tarsiger cyanurus
Голубая сорока
Azure-winged Magpie
Cyanopica cyanus
Обыкновенный cнегирь
Eurasian Bullfinch
Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Овсянка Годлевского
Godlewski's Bunting
Emberiza godlewskii
Сибирская чечевица
Pallas's Rosefinch
Carpodacus roseus
Пятнистый сверчок
Lanceolated Warbler
Locustella lanceolata
Сибирская завирушка
Siberian Accentor
Prunella montanella
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ReplyDeleteI saw your post on Facebook Bird Ringing and realised from your picture of 'closed' nets that the Long Point method for furling mistnets hasn't made it as far as yor stationu. It was shown to me in the 1990's and is now widely used in western Europe.
ReplyDeleteIt was an accidental discovery, I'm told, by a non-ringing visitor to Long Point Bird Observatory. Quite simply, when closing the net, just leave the top panel slightly open and lift up and place all the lower loose net into the pocket made by the top panel. Close the top panel completely and roll the net as usual. It ends up looking like a rope. If you slacken the trammel lines to make the net hang in a catenary, it will not come unrolled even in quite high wind.
I've written about it in more detail, in a file that I can send to you. You can email me at john_howard_morgan(at) and I'll return it as an attachment.